Remember the Biomega? We finally got around to working on it(That only took a day or two, getting my lazy ass to write about it, that took a couple of weeks.)
As cool as the bike looks it has some major issues in the quality department.(Hoo-boy does it)
First thing was the BB. We noticed it was unscrewed some when the bike was dropped off, that was the good part. Turns out the "shell"(Actually a chunk of alluminum inside the plastic monocoque that is also part of the cantilevers)is threaded backwards with the left hand threads on the non-drive side.
Then we had real trouble getting the chain tensioned and the wheel straight at the same time. Turns out the manufacturer did not realise that you need to have dropouts parallel.

This is ranks in the top five of stupid bike ideas.
While aligning the wheel(An event requiring two people swearing) we also noticed that the cantilever stays are not in plane with the front wheel.

That makes for exciting handling when you take a hands off the bar.
On top of all that the angled drop out interfered with the housing stop for the internal hub. So much that it locked up the shift mechanism. We ended up using axle spacers to widen the spacing enough for the stop to clear. This also helped correct the poor centering of the wheel.

I could not find a retail price for this model but Biomegas conventional frame bikes start at around $1650. That is a bunch of coin for a bike that fails to offer even the quality control found on a WalMart bike(Yes, the Lamborghini is a better buy).
While looking around I found several sites praising the "design" of the bike. I guess design appreciation does not incorperate application.
Were I present it might go something like this:
Designer, "Look at this beautiful lamp I have created"
Me, "But there is no way to turn it on."
Designer, "Can you not see hows its design allows it to flow from the shade all the way to the top of the table."
Me, "I can't even find the cord"
Designer, "A cord would have ruined its symetry"
maybe not entirely relevant, but it gets to maybe why it was made the way it was... because the designer probably never tried to build or fix a bike...
Liked your post, but I think there are some incorrect statements and misconceptions about that particular bike.
Although I agree with the lack of quality on some of their models, the chainstay and dropouts are clearly damaged. Quick image search of the described model (MN) will quickly show you they should be parallel.
The frame is made out of hydro-formed aluminium sheets and not plastic.
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